Disappointed and angry leftists on social media don’t know what real political fear is.

Remedies for Post-Election Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth
When politics becomes an idol, our disappointment can grind us into dust when it fails us. Here are some suggestions for the afflicted.

Donald Trump Is Set to Make MAGA America’s Defining Political Movement
The generational shift of MAGA promises great things for America.

California’s Native Daughter Underwhelms
November 5 was not just a rejection of Kamala Harris’s political promotion. It was also a condemnation of her political past.

The End of the American Stasi
The days of feeling cowed by a humorless and censorious elite class of journalists and pundits are over.

Why Trump Did Much Better With Hispanics
The 2024 election highlights the complexity and nuance within the Hispanic electorate.

Democrats, Their Base, and Their Performance
The Democratic Party is exactly where it has been intending to go for the last several decades and, considering that, it performed very well on Election Night.

Trump’s Defiant Comeback Shows Potential Not Yet Tapped
The surprising arc of Donald Trump’s political comeback is not yet over. His critics should brace for more.

Freedom of Political Expression Only Goes One Way
Despite Donald Trump’s victory last week, supporters and voters on the right remain less likely than those on the left to be open about their political leanings.

Rick Scott’s Ultra-Neocon Foreign Policy Advisor
To ensure a sincere America First, Peace Through Strength foreign policy, there should be a better path for Senate leadership.

On the Senior Executive Service’s ‘Secret Service’
The elitist bureaucracy created during the Carter administration makes nothing more efficient and is at odds with the interests of the American people.

Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump
Democrats who hope to revitalize their party need to accept that wokeism is a dead end and learn from Trump in the same way they once learned from Reagan.

Political Pollsters Are Not Sending Their Best
The crucial political science that was missing from this year’s election polls has a proven track record. So why wasn’t it used?

Military Ranks Are Thinning but Revival May Be Coming
The woke and overcommitted military of the last couple decades has had a hard time recruiting. We are ripe for a change.

The Death of Obamaism, and the Historic MAGA Opportunity
The 2024 election broke Obama’s Democratic intersectional coalition, presenting an historic opportunity for the GOP.

How Trump 2.0 Will Rebuild America’s Border Security
The incoming Trump administration already knows how to fix our border crisis. What it requires is the strength and support of the American people.

Viktor Orbán and Gerhard Schröder on War and Peace in Europe
The clear vision—but slim hope—of peace and prosperity in Europe was on display at a recent conference in Vienna.

Election 2024: The Revenge of the ‘Fascist’
Considering his record, Donald Trump is a strange kind of “fascist.”

The Silent Killer Crossing Our Border
America's unchecked borders are permitting the spread of tuberculosis.

The Election’s Consequences, and Our Responsibilities
Americans stood up yesterday to say they want to govern themselves. Now comes the hard work of doing it.

The Stable Genius Providentially Triumphs
Trump’s overwhelming victory appears to confirm his genius, the wisdom of the American people, and God’s Providence for our country.

America’s Turn to Return the Insult
Kamala Harris’s gesticulations about unity after a campaign of hate and division ring false and hollow.

Ben Shapiro’s Sloppy Mistakes Help Harris
In failing to fact check his story on Harris’s involvement in the Kavanaugh affair, Shapiro ends up pushing the liberal narrative.

The One Big Reason I Can’t Vote for Harris
Kamala Harris’s open contempt for Western civilization and the culture that built America is disqualifying.

How Politics Hasn’t Changed Since Jefferson
The election of 1800 featured many of the same elements of our politics today.

Strong and Intelligent Citizens Don’t Support Harris
Mark Cuban’s insult of female Trump supporters fell flat and highlights the weaknesses of Harris supporters.

Kamala Harris’s Contrived Candidacy
The manufactured identity of Kamala Harris is typical of how our elites hollow out all our most valuable institutions.

A Political Disease
Carol K. Tharp urges Sarah Wilder to
blame a secularized medical industry for inventing modern identity crises, and Ms. Tharp replies.

Deserved Desertions
The recent mass defection from the GOP of careerists and neocons is hardly surprising or disappointing. Good riddance!

The Democrats’ Collapse
Kamala Harris' presidential campaign flounders after a series of awful October interviews. The smart money says Trump is heading back to the Whitehouse.

Return of the War Nerds
As the MAGA political realignment consolidates its power within the GOP, the neocons view the Democratic Party as the best vehicle for their policies.

The Swan Song of the Arch Neocon
Condoleezza Rice presents a dangerous mixture of militarism and liberal universalism. She is the last Bush-era neocon enjoying relevancy, which makes her even more dangerous.

Neocon Artistry and Its Discontents
The Neocons, with the political left, now comprise a uniparty elite that confuses the interests of the state with the interests of the American people.

Remembering Thomas Molnar
At the heart of Thomas Molnar's work was the problem of authority and how it might be sustained in a world where power had been shorn of its sacral dimension.

What We Are Reading: November 2024
Short reviews of God Against the Revolution by Gregg L. Frazier, and Bound to Violence by Yambo Ouologuem.

John Bull’s Other Island
Jane Ohlmeyer examines how English imperialism shaped Ireland; tangled alliances and cultural identities complicate the story of the Irish nationalist movement.

Guns of Delusion
Bruce Hoffman and Jacob Ware partake in academia's mass handwringing over the indigenous “right-wing terror threat”—allegedly represented by the Jan. 6 riot.

The West’s Pivotal Defeat in Ukraine
The West’s failed Ukraine project has forced us to confront a bewildering array of what look like instances of stupidity, verging even on psychosis.

Books in Brief: November 2024
Short reviews of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life by Joseph Epstein, and Julia by Sandra Newman.

In Rose City, the Dream Has Wilted
Springfield's history provides important context for Donald Trump's wild tales of pet-eating Haitian emigres.

The Penitential History of Vichy France
Accepted scholarship on Vichy France has evolved as Anti-fascist sentiment penetrates historiography like never before. Penitential historiography has arrived.

Woke Eugenics
Woke persons are not an unnatural aberration within the species, but rather, a natural Darwinian flush. They lay down their own genetic interests for the good of the species.

The Anti-Racism Clown Show
Matt Walsh, famed for questioning leftists on gender, now questions leftists on race in his wildly popular documentary, "Am I a Racist?"

What the Left Calls Voting Rights Cheapens Your Vote
The left’s incessant call to make voting easier is really about making it trivial and unimportant.

How Would Aunt Mary Vote?
Polish Americans should detest the Democrats for wanting to destroy the good old U. S. of A. I know my Aunt Mary would.

A Realist’s Reassessment of America’s Alliance With Israel
Washington should recognize that Israel has interests different from those of the U.S. Such an honest reckoning would help both parties define their interests and long-term strategies.

Why Paleoconservatism Matters
A young reader explains how and why Chronicles has played such a central role in his development as a thinker and citizen.

The Final Choice: Civilizational Arson Versus Civilizational Sanity
It is not an exaggeration to say that everything is on the line this Tuesday.