America’s young male Trump supporters are “men among the ruins”—ready to embrace their masculine creative power.
Tag: Elon Musk
Farewell to the Ideology of ‘Development’?
Can Trump finally succeed in the 60-plus year struggle to overcome the failed and misguided ideology of “Developmentalism” at USAID?
Trump and Musk Move Europe to the Right
President Trump and Elon Musk use their platforms to support and sway the ever-dwindling opposition to monolithic woke leftist control in a Western Europe.
The People’s Republic of California
One-party rule in California means fiscal lunacy, hazardous living conditions, and dubious elections, among other bad things.
Replacement Theory Meets Replacement Fact
Trump's tech-titan friends clash with the MAGA base over high-skilled foreign labor. In truth, this clash was inevitable. The MAGA honeymoon was over before it began.
Texas’s Growing Pains
Frustrated residents of blue states flocking to Texas are bringing many of the problems they’re trying to escape with them.
The Die-Hard Myth of the Missing American Tech Workers
A narrative with its origins in little more than greed refuses to die, despite readily available evidence refuting it.
‘For the Good of the Country’
Democrats need to learn that voters want one question answered above all others in making policy: “Is this policy for the good of the country?”
Tech Brahmins Should Look at Indian Dysfunction First
Before criticizing America and American workers, people like Vivek Ramaswamy should consider the ramifications of importing India’s dysfunctional culture.
Is Trump Part of the Swamp Now?
Donald Trump's victory signals that a good portion of the elites have made a tactical calculation to switch sides at a critical time.
Make a Resolution to Fix Social Security
Calling attention to the fiscal realities that apply throughout the federal government has never been more essential.
Immigration Moratorium Now
There is no MAGA without immigration sanity—including limited H1-B visas.
Kid Dynamite’s Last Ride
Iron Mike’s last turn in the ring may have been a “loss” and a travesty. But it represents something irrepressibly human and admirable at the same time.
The 2024 Election Was a Triumph of Leadership Over Consensus
Democrats tried to force a consensus instead of allowing for organic leadership and persuasion. They failed.
How to Curb the Deep State at the State Department
By reinforcing civilian control of the department and implementing other common-sense reforms, some sanity to our foreign affairs may be restored.
On the Senior Executive Service’s ‘Secret Service’
The elitist bureaucracy created during the Carter administration makes nothing more efficient and is at odds with the interests of the American people.
The Election’s Consequences, and Our Responsibilities
Americans stood up yesterday to say they want to govern themselves. Now comes the hard work of doing it.
Books in Brief: November 2024
Short reviews of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life by Joseph Epstein, and Julia by Sandra Newman.
Rejecting Fake Executives
What I learned in the Soviet Union about elections informs my vote as an American: We can’t allow phony executives to deceive us.
Technological Tectonic Shifts
We can see parallels between our own situation and that of the American Revolutionaries and find hints for our own success in their experience. Technology can be an important key.
Elon Musk Fights the Leviathan With Free Speech and Spaceships
Musk could have taken the easy road and gone along with the progressive agenda. Instead, he’s using his wealth and power to push back against the government.
Free Speech in the Crosshairs
The biggest issue on the ballot this November is free speech.
This Is America’s Last Chance
Once freedom is lost it won’t come back.
The Biggest Issue in This Election
Harris has been an enemy of the First Amendment throughout her career.
United We Stand
In 2024 we see surprising alliances forming to oppose the corruption and tyranny of our government.
Elon Musk Leads Parade of Tech Titans Boosting Trump as the True ‘Freedom Candidate’
You don’t need AI to figure that Harris and the Democrats are bad for technology and innovation.
Rebuilding: New Tech, Old Principles
After draining the swamp, we need to ensure emerging tech serves the republic’s founding principles, rather than the interests of the centralized administrative state.
The Greatest Psy-Op in the History of American Electoral Politics
The ultimate battle between corporate and social media has been a long time coming. The outcome will decide much more than the 2024 election.
Donald Trump Has to Run Like It’s 2016 Again
Social media didn’t elect Trump in 2016, showing up in the flesh did. The contours of the election have shifted and that’s what Trump needs to do again to win in 2024.
Elon Musk, Man of Action
Elon Musk's management is hands-on, his tweets are off-the-cuff, and his grudges are enduring. He was made for a storm and cannot stand calm.
‘The New Norm Show’ and Why Anti-Woke Comedy Isn’t Funny
There is an appetite for content that is anti-woke or at least not woke (the term itself is awful and overused), but this is not it.
Millennial Nostalgia and the Analog Universe
These days, you don't have to leave your house to do much of anything—and fewer people do. That’s probably why so many Millennials are pining for a simpler time.
Why Online News Isn’t Saving Journalism
Online media was never on a secure footing, dependent as it was not just on advertising—which is true for almost all media—but on the whims of Big Tech, which has its own growth worries.
Hey, Elon Musk, You May Have a ‘Deep State’ Problem
Is “X,” the media company formerly known as “Twitter,” still experiencing deep state interference and silencing of conservatives? The evidence suggests that it is.
Democrats’ Open Border Trickery: Gaming the Census
The raw political interest of Democrats is at work in gaming the census numbers to increase the headcount in America’s leftist cities to maintain the political power.
Joe Biden Is Too Dangerous to Mock
If the right keeps laughing at Joe Biden, it risks sleepwalking into another devastating defeat for itself and the country.
Democrats’ Big Gamble on the Border Crashers Will Pay Political Dividends
Even if the Democrats fail to bestow the franchise on illegals immediately, their beneficiaries do offer enormous near-term and long-term uses for the party.
The Madness of King Joe
Six ways Joe Biden has demonstrated his affinity for authoritarianism and his corresponding contempt for the American people.
Hate Speech for Thee, But Not for Me
South African courts—and western media—have ripped the mask off hate speech laws. Hate speech is not only acceptable but encouraged for anyone with eternal victim status.
The Fall of Rome All Over Again
The great American Empire is collapsing, like Rome before it, but not for the reasons our academic elites give.
A Deal With the Digital Devil
Transhumanism is a materialist inversion of spiritual aspirations, which promises to create a heaven on earth in exchange for merging our souls with machines.
Beyond AI, Our Cyborg Future
Rogue AI has so far been nothing more than a sci-fi cliche, but now artificial intelligence is proving difficult for human beings to control.
What’s Next for the Right?
The Republican Party must get its own house in order, suppress the influence of its establishment members, and offer a coherent, principled, and politically viable program to the American electorate.
Celebrate Elon Musk, but Don’t Lose Sight of Big Tech’s Structural Problems
As great as Musk has been for the health of America's digital town square, concerted public policy and legal changes are still needed to wrest control away from powerful Silicon Valley bureaucrats.
Random Musings; Random Sarcasm
Leftists make up catchphrases to smear their opponents, but they never apply the same logic to themselves.
The Ideological Tyranny of Liberal Interventionism
Elon Musk found out the hard way that the foreign policy elite demands total compliance and consensus for its interventionism. His peace proposal drew their ire because they want war.
The U.S. Needs to Change Course Right Now in Ukraine
Americans do not—and should not—care whether an ethnically divided, strategically unimportant, historically contested Slavic subregion or two in eastern Ukraine ultimately takes orders from Kyiv or Moscow.
Media’s Self-Induced Demise
The media ultimately stokes a revolt against itself. The disgust it instills with its fake narratives turns men against it.
The Trouble with Twitter
In poorly educated, highly indoctrinated America, it is not the better ideas that prevail; it is the more pervasive propaganda.