Baby Boomers have bankrupted almost all of America’s public institutions, indebted future generations at levels impossible to repay, and delivered us all into the post-COVID dystopia of frayed social fabric and a total loss of public trust.

Post-Boomer Conservatism
Baby Boomer conservatism arose during the salad days of American capitalism, the apex of American military might, and the drama of the Cold War. That's all gone and the young right stands at a crossroads.

The Boomer Truth Regime
Baby Boomers have safeguarded and perpetuated a grand myth through which they interpret past and present events, and derive motivations. Myth is one hell of a drug.

Up in Smoke
As so much of California lies in ruin many wonder whether the Golden State has finally had enough of the ideological incontinence that has brought it so low. Anything is possible in the Trump era!

Trump and Musk Move Europe to the Right
President Trump and Elon Musk use their platforms to support and sway the ever-dwindling opposition to monolithic woke leftist control in a Western Europe.

Will Fox News Outlive the Boomers?
Fox News continues occupying the right-center in American politics, but the rising generation of American rightists are miles further off to starboard.

Remembering Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift deployed satire in defending traditional order and dissecting the pretensions of his enemies.

What We Are Reading: February 2025
Short reviews of 'The Anatomy of Melancholy' by Robert Burton, and 'Working' by Robert A. Caro.

The Last Acceptable Prejudice
'White Rural Rage' alleges hatred, bigotry, and utter depravity of white, rural, Christians with no real evidence. Of course, there is not a forthcoming 'Black Urban Rage.'

Some Honesty From the Left About Guns
In 'Gun Curious,' a liberal academic who is also a gun owner attempts to locate common ground between left and right and create an area for genuine discussion.

Deconstructing the Colonial Guilt Trip
'On Settler Colonialism' questions whether settler-colonial ideology is just the latest product of the demoralization of the Western world that has gone on since 1914 or whether it is an especially vicious and dangerous development.

Books in Brief: February 2025
Short reviews of How to Lose a War: The Story of America’s Intervention in Afghanistan by Amin Saikal, and Entrances and Exits, by Michael Richards.

Dramatizing Dietrich
Angel Studios has lionized Dietrich Bonhoeffer into a spy and assassin. That's about as historically accurate as making Mahatma Gandhi into Rambo.

How Nations Die
England's invaders face less resistance than ever as they settle among an unarmed public led by self-hating flaccid clerks. This is how it ends.

The People’s Republic of California
One-party rule in California means fiscal lunacy, hazardous living conditions, and dubious elections, among other bad things.

About Islam: A Letter to President Trump
Mr. President, the danger of radical Islam is still with us, and while that danger cannot be completely eradicated, it is both possible and necessary to act decisively to reduce it as much as possible.

Replacement Theory Meets Replacement Fact
Trump's tech-titan friends clash with the MAGA base over high-skilled foreign labor. In truth, this clash was inevitable. The MAGA honeymoon was over before it began.

Where Have the Great Men of Diplomacy Gone?
Western nations could use a few Metternichs now. Instead we have midgets.

College Football Is Not and Should Not Try to Be the NFL
College football is a regional game and the old system is the one fans still long for today.

We Don’t Really Care, Margaret
CBS News’s Margaret Brennan unwittingly confirmed America’s assimilation problem and the vast difficulties associated with intemperate American compassion for refugees.

Donald Trump Is Emphatically Correct About Birthright Citizenship
Trump deserves credit, not condemnation, for his legally sound and fundamentally just understanding of the 14th Amendment.

Trump Pulls the Rip Cords on the Administrative State
Members of the vast apparatus of the American bureaucracy need to internalize this constitutional truth: There is no fourth branch of the federal government.

Breaking Colombia Proves That America Is Back
Trump has the resolve to use his power as it was intended—not to antagonize the world but to uphold America’s standing within it.

The ‘Trump Is a Tyrant’ Critics Defended Biden’s ‘Imperial Presidency’
Media hypocrites denounce Trump as a tyrant for asserting his interpretation of the Constitution but cheered obviously illegal Biden and Obama measures.

The Deportation Revolution Will Be Televised
The former reality television star turned president has mastered the art of optics, as well as the art of the deal.

Our Media’s Utopian Alternative Reality
Advertisers and entertainers seem less interested in selling their products than in converting us to a utopian vision of a world without prejudice.

The Pro-Life Federalism of Trump and Vance
The Trump-Vance approach has given pro-lifers victories that would have been impossible if abortion had remained a national issue.

The War Party is Recycling Their ‘Unpatriotic Conservatives’ Mantra
The fight for the soul of the new Trump administration looks an awful lot like the last one.

Trump Shows Conservatives How to Win Again
The “blackpillers” who doubted Trump have been chastened and those who remained loyal and steady are having the last laugh.

If You Can’t Debate, You Ought Not to Vote
Self-righteous college students who are frustrated in real debate should also consider whether they are suited to vote.

Watergate and the Media’s Addiction Problem
Watergate is the media’s self-righteous high that’s still too good to quit.

Let’s Declare Independence from the ‘National Cathedral’ Hoax
Congress should repeal the so-called National Cathedral’s congressional charter and all such meaningless charters.

Is Taki a Fascist?
In its best sense, divorced from the perversion of Nazism, fascism is a style and an aesthetic characterized by stoic service and manly virtues, and not about worldviews or grand schemes.

The Cold Civil War Is Over. We Won.
Trump is taking a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden agenda.

‘Les Femmes’: Moms and Wives Defending Marriage and the Family
A countercultural reading list for people interested in the ongoing fight for the dignity of civilization, marriage, and the family.

Justice Starts at Home
As the next election cycle begins, Soros-backed prosecutors seem likely to face a homegrown reckoning.

Trump Inauguration: Too Many or Too Few Blacks?
CBS's Gayle King blasts Trump for having too few blacks while The View’s Sunny Hostin says there were too many.

Trump Battles Globalism in Public Health
Trump is right to focus on America First when it comes to public health.

Texas’s Growing Pains
Frustrated residents of blue states flocking to Texas are bringing many of the problems they’re trying to escape with them.

The Sorrows of Empire
Leftist ideals are more suited to the governance of global empires than nation-states. Unfortunately, the right is also tempted by imperial ambition.

Picking Up Buchanan’s Torch on Immigration
As the Trump administration begins, its immigration policy sounds a lot like the one advocated by Pat Buchanan.

The Bowl Games Confound Their Critics
Experts tried to move college football to a new playoff system, but bowl games showed America that there’s good reason to love venerable traditions.

One Last Climactic Scene: Me vs Matt Damon
The actor’s unfair portrayal of Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday Night Live is making news again and it’s time he owned up to the injustice of it.

Biden’s Legacy: Some Tips from the Historians
Like FDR before him, Joe Biden will be given a huge assist from the liberal historians who will manufacture his legacy.

Joe Biden’s Sudden Onset Fanaticism
Like many on the left, Joe Biden initially embraced woke ideology opportunistically, but eventually became a true believer.

Reality Finally Defeats Sanctuary Utopianism
Nothing has been so thoroughly discredited during the Biden years as the policy of sanctuary cities.

Has Trump 2.0 Learned From Trump 1.0?
It is important to be clear-eyed about the task ahead for President-elect Donald Trump.

Is Transgenderism Anti-Gay?
And even if it is, why should the right be involved in the operation of discrediting it on those grounds?

Cleaning Up the Culture of Incompetence Starts in D.C.
If we don’t clean up the dysfunctional culture of the Beltway, we shouldn’t be surprised when it spreads to the rest of the country.