Author: Aaron D. Wolf (Aaron D. Wolf)

Home Aaron D. Wolf


  On my way to TRI Towers from my country estate this morning, I took a different route into the city. I started noticing something different in my peripheral vision, so I began looking more intently. Street corner after street corner had teenagers in ratty shorts and T-shirts waiting for a Rockford school bus. That...


Education Nightmares Revisited

  With the threat of a second, unfettered term for President BHO looming, one begins to wonder what sort of legacy he would try to cobble together.  Well, smack in the middle of that second term would be the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.  A drumbeat from the left has been growing over the last...


Zimmerman & Martin Lawyers Gouge Eyes on TV

  The news media love you and have a wonderful plan for your life, to borrow a phrase.  And that plan is to ramp up your feelings of hate, which will fuel obsession over sensational news stories, which means better ratings. In evidence today is one Bianca Prieto, who writes the following first paragraph on the...


Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Honkies

  The New York Times has delivered the unshocking news: “White births are no longer a majority in the United States.” Using words like “milestone” and “tipping point” and “tectonic,” the Times wonders aloud whether greedy white folks will be willing to pony up the cash necessary to educate the burgeoning majority-minority generation.  After all, the Maj-Mins (copyright ADW) will...


Dreams of My Daughters

President Barack Obama surprised even battle-hardened pro-life Americans with his official remarks on the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that has, since 1973, littered garbage dumps across America with the corpses of 50 million babies, 32 percent of them African-American.  In a White House press release praising the landmark case...

Despair, Detachment, and the West

Despair, Detachment, and the West

Can anything be done to stop Europe and the United States from becoming Third World countries?  Is the West doomed?  Considering that it doesn’t look as if things are going to get better any time soon, it is tempting for conservatives to write finis on Christendom and view the fall from a place of cynical...


The McQuearing of America

  Yes, yes, curse the defensive genius and pedophile* Jerry Sandusky (author of Touched) and Coach Joe Pa (who continued to employ him).  But what about the grad assistant who happened to lock eyes with ol’ Sandusky when the latter was sodomizing a ten-year-old boy in the Happy Valley showers of Penn State? According to the grand jury report,...


Man of Middangeard

  September 2 is the 38th anniversary of the death of J.R.R. Tolkien (1973).  The man who inspired so many to see the real, enchanted world and not the sterile, imagined one of modernity was himself inspired by deeply Christian Anglo-Saxon poetry. The very idea of “Middle Earth” came from a (likely) ninth-century poem called Christ or The...


Illinois’ “Civil Unions”

I don’t care what you’ve read here or elsewhere: There’s still some serious discrimination going on in the Land of Lincoln. No, I’m not talking about poor Governor Rod, whose peers sent him up the river, or poor Governor Ryan, who is still up spit creek and being denied parole.  I’m talking about love. We...

The King James Bible at 400: Love’s Labor’s Lost

The King James Bible at 400: Love’s Labor’s Lost

I was in seventh grade, and we were downstate for the annual Bible Bowl.  Our little fundamentalist school fielded a team every year.  We were the most conservative of fundamentalists, which mean that we were King James Only (affectionately KJVO).  Along with soulwinning and no syncopation, KJVO was proof to the world that we were...


Mormon Apocalypse, Part II

When Glenn Beck took the podium at his Restoring Honor rally, he began by listing off the names of American heroes and identifying their motivation to fight for their country: “You cannot coexist with evil.”  If evil has reared its ugly head, an honorable man, like Washington and Lincoln, must stand and fight. It’s a...


Mormon Apocalypse, Part 1

America is special. America has a mission. America is a beacon of liberty. America, God shed His grace on thee. We call it American exceptionalism—the belief that, from among the countries of the world, the United States of America has been uniquely called by God to be X. ...


Mormon Apocalypse, Part I

America is special. America has a mission.  America is a beacon of liberty.  America, God shed His grace on thee. We call it American exceptionalism—the belief that, from among the countries of the world, the United States of America has been uniquely called by God to be X.  In this equation, X equals whatever you...


Give Me Back My Frock!

Pastors are sinners in need of redemption, like everyone else.  A pastor must forgive and be forgiven, and this is something that the flock must be taught and must embrace, or subtle Donatism will creep in with the latest gossip. Nonetheless, beginning with the Pastoral Epistles of Saint Paul, Christians have also been taught that,...


Sex and Post—Christian Arithmetic

What is a school? Today, we think of school as an institution or even as a building.  But school comes from the Greek skho­le, “leisure”—i.e., clear your schedule of mundane tasks and make time to contemplate what matters.  It only makes sense, then, that parents who send their children to school, and the teachers who...


Pharmaceutical Holiday

Can you imagine the FDA approving a drug that, say, increased the risk of blood clots, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, breast cancer, and migraines for women? And fathom, if you will, the absurd notion that such a drug could be approved for the treatment of something that isn’t even ...


Let’s Cheat on Our Taxes

As I write, April 15 is still fresh in the mind, and the sting of death remains, combining the current pangs of tax extraction with the promise of a greater burden to come, thanks to the Barack­i­fi­cation of heathcare. So imagine my delight when I read in a back issue of ...


Pharmaceutical Holiday

Can you imagine the FDA approving a drug that, say, increased the risk of blood clots, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, breast cancer, and migraines for women?  And fathom, if you will, the absurd notion that such a drug could be approved for the treatment of something that isn’t even a disease, a genetic abnormality, or...


Down With Islamists

Ali Mir of the USC Muslim Student Union is upset about the media's usage of such terms as Islamist and extremist. (They are


If I Could Turn Back Time

Here's the bottom line of today's SCOTUS decision regarding the incorporation of the Second Amendment, which amounts to an explicit rejection of traditional federalism on the part of the conservative majority. (Full disclosure: I'm of the Hestonian


You Say FIFA, I Say WWE

Ah, glorious soccer.  The sport where fat and tall and tough guys don’t get a pass, unlike those other statistic-driven, ‘roid marinated, jingoistic sports Americans love on a more regular basis.  But what really makes FIFAball the sport of conservative spectators is that it combines the Grecian ideal with pure thespian talent.  And as recent...


You Say FIFA, I Say WWE

Ah, glorious soccer.  The sport where fat and tall and tough guys don't get a pass, unlike those other statistic-driven, 'roid marinated, jingoistic sports Americans love on a more regular basis.  But what really makes FIFAball the sport of conservative spectators is that it combines the Grecian ideal ...


Mitregate 2010!

If you're the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, and you're asked to preach at the C of E's Southwark Cathedral, and Archbishop Rowan Williams asks you not to wear your mitre, what do you do?  Answer: You carry it defiantly by your side and bring the fire about how ...


Let’s Cheat on Our Taxes

As I write, April 15 is still fresh in the mind, and the sting of death remains, combining the current pangs of tax extraction with the promise of a greater burden to come, thanks to the Barack­i­fi­cation of heathcare. So imagine my delight when I read in a back issue of a leading Christian magazine...


Healthcare Reformer

The empire was beset by foreign invaders and war in the Middle East. Far-flung wars meant more taxes for the provinces and an increase in poverty. Some men had to choose between feeding their families and paying for medical care. Some couldn’t afford either. In the large urban ...


Healthcare Reformer

The empire was beset by foreign invaders and war in the Middle East.  Far-flung wars meant more taxes for the provinces and an increase in poverty.  Some men had to choose between feeding their families and paying for medical care.  Some couldn’t afford either. In the large urban centers, the poor were getting poorer, while...


Too Good To Be Untrue

The amoeba. You remember it from biology class; it’s your long-lost relative. Don’t believe it? Well, you’re probably one of those pro-life Christian homeschooling losers. You don’t play nice with others. You are socially maladjusted. “Amoeba are essentially everywhere and have probably existed . . . ...


The Art of Spanking

So, thanks again for the love in the cradle and all of the changes that kept me dry. And thanks again for the love at our table and tannin' my bottom when I told you a lie . . . It’s a tear-jerker of a song, and the only thing that rescues Ricky Skaggs’ “Thanks Again” ...


The Art of Spanking

So, thanks again for the love in the cradle and all of the changes that kept me dry. And thanks again for the love at our table and tannin’ my bottom when I told you a lie . . . It’s a tear-jerker of a song, and the only thing that rescues Ricky Skaggs’ “Thanks...


Too Good To Be Untrue

The amoeba.  You remember it from biology class; it’s your long-lost relative.  Don’t believe it?  Well, you’re probably one of those pro-life Christian homeschooling losers.  You don’t play nice with others.  You are socially maladjusted. “Amoeba are essentially everywhere and have probably existed . . . long before the appearance of macroscopic animals,” says the...


Christmas With the Devil

“The true meaning of Christmas gets lost when we believe contrary worldviews,” the prisoner writes.  “Our beliefs determine our views in a world where absolutes are fading away.”  The prisoner is dictating this for his newsletter. Come-to-Jesus (or -Allah) experiences abound in prisons, so it’s always wise to take conversion stories with a grain of...


Christian No More

C.S. Lewis wrote about the “death of words.”  In essence, he suggested that, whenever we feel compelled to append a noun with the adjectives true or real, it is safe to say that the noun has lost its meaning, or died.  “No, no, we’re true conservatives.”  There’s my example. So what do you do, then? ...


Breast Implants and Barbarians

When Miss California’s assets were revealed to be fakies, I immediately thought of a line from Roland Bainton’s excellent and concise history The Medieval Church:  “The real point,” he wrote, “was . . . ”  Well, first, the story. Way back on April 19, during the Miss USA pageant, California’s Carrie Prejean was flying high. ...


A Share in the Patria: What a Republic Is Good For

God likes farmers.  Not gigantic corporate agribusiness, but farmers.  He made man from the dirt and for the dirt, to cultivate His Garden.  Adam means “of the red” or “of the soil.” When the children of Israel clamored for a king, so that they might rely on him to protect them from foreign invaders, the...


The Bishop Takes a Stand

In recent years America has seemed to lack the sort of bold churchman who is willing to put his penny-loafered foot down and say enough is enough.  But according to recent press reports, the shoe has dropped.  Even in these degraded times, there is a limit—a line you just can’t cross. What is that line?...


A Pearl and Some Swine

It’s Lent, so naturally I’m thinking about Barack Obama.  Well, specifically, about his inauguration.  You remember, don’t you—the day that hope became sight? I don’t want to be overdramatic, but it now seems obvious to me that President Obama’s inauguration explains just about everything that’s wrong with Christian churches in America. And really, this has...


America’s Dwight Schrute

In an hilarious episode of NBC’s The Office, Dunder-Mifflin übertwerp Dwight Schrute unwittingly adapts the words of several speeches by Benito Mussolini and Karl Marx in order to appear impressive at a conference for salesmen.  “Blood alone moves the wheels of history!” he cries, and by the time he gets to Il Duce’s “It is...


Home Church

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. —Daniel 6:10 With the election of Democrat Barack Obama as...


Blago, Bleeps, and—Lincoln?

Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald may be right about a lot of things when it comes to former Illinois Gov. George Ryan’s future cellmate—current Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich—but he got one thing very wrong at today’s press conference. In a nutshell, Governor Blagojevich is being charged with trying to squeeze the Chicago Tribune into firing editorialists...


Silent Night, Deadly Night

Just when I thought I’d seen it all, I discovered that Planned Parenthood of Indiana has deployed a new weapon in the War on Christmas—er, Holiday.  Not to mention the War on Life—er, inconvenience. There’ve been some real dingers lately in the War on Holiday.  I just heard an ad on a sports-talk-radio station in...


Merry Christmas, Pinhead

Twelve long months ago, America was in the throes of Holiday Shopping Season ’07.  It was a simpler time.  The Dow was safely over 10,000, and we were all wondering whether it would be Hillary or Giuliani in the White House come January ’09. I push my cart carrying 250 pounds of chicken feed up...

Pro-Choice Christians: Shattering Nature’s Glass Ceiling

Pro-Choice Christians: Shattering Nature’s Glass Ceiling

After eight years of George W. Bush’s “culture of life,” which included well over 4,000 U.S. military deaths in Iraq and an estimated 1.25 million Iraqi deaths, abortion is back on the front burner, thanks to the presence of Sarah Palin on national television.  Few were “energized” about John McCain before she entered stage right...


Elective Abortion

Flip-flopper.  Like racist or isolationist, it’s not a word that you’d like to have attached to your name.  In recent years, it has been used to whap the likes of John Kerry and Mitt Romney over the head.  It means that your finger is in the wind, that you are not a Decider, that, like...


Editors’ Round Table on Sarah Palin: Energized—For What?

I will resist the temptation to steal my own thunder for next week’s John Randolph Club meeting in Philadelphia, where I intend to talk about the most important aspect of the Palin Pandemonium: the conservative Christian rejection of the natural order. There are at least two other aspects of McCain-Palin that are troubling: abortion and...


Walking Distance

This is an age in which news of a tragedy garners a response such as this: “Well, our thoughts are with you.”  Happy thoughts full of Pelagian grace.  It is therefore with some reservation that I now examine Rocky Twyman’s direct and public prayer to the Almighty, a supplication he no doubt offers with full...


Out With the Old

[Aaron D. Wolf on the revolution in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, grandfathers, the Devil, and the fate of Issues, Etc.] My grandfather has congestive heart failure. I hate to say it, but I probably won’t see him this time next year. “Gramp,” as I’ve called him since I can remember, taught me how to shoot...


Out With the Old

My grandfather has congestive heart failure.  I hate to say it, but I probably won’t see him this time next year. “Gramp,” as I’ve called him since I can remember, taught me how to shoot and hunt, taught me how to change the oil, taught me how to drive a truck, taught me how to...


National Religion

Americans are a people of deeply held religious conviction. If any has doubts, let him look on the most serious of our sacred holidays and believe. Naturally, it is a federal holiday, but that fact alone does not convey the magnitude of this special ...


National Religion

Americans are a people of deeply held religious conviction.  If any has doubts, let him look on the most serious of our sacred holidays and believe. Naturally, it is a federal holiday, but that fact alone does not convey the magnitude of this special day.  For, unlike other federal holidays, this one carries with it...


Solemn Joy and Hot Gospel

’Twas the middle of that sacred time of year when all Americans pause to remember what is most important—Christmas Shopping Season. I had just walked through the automatic doorway of MediaPlay, out in what was then the edge of Rockford’s wasteland (the East State Street shopping corridor, which has since sprawled itself all the way...