Democrats continue to insist that their support for illegal immigration is a signal of their superior virtue and concern for humanity.
Tag: illegal immigration
Birthright Citizenship Excluded Illegals From Day One
It is by no means clear that the Court will reject President Trump’s interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
Breaking Colombia Proves That America Is Back
Trump has the resolve to use his power as it was intended—not to antagonize the world but to uphold America’s standing within it.
The Die-Hard Myth of the Missing American Tech Workers
A narrative with its origins in little more than greed refuses to die, despite readily available evidence refuting it.
The Cost of Trump’s Deportations Is a Bargain
Activists now feigning outrage over the cost of deportation had no problem spending your money to maintain illegal immigrants in the U.S.
Birthright Citizenship Is a Breach in the Border
Trump’s promise to end birthright citizenship will be a battle but it’s a battle America can’t afford to lose.
The wild rhetoric of Harris and Trump in their epic debate-o-mania should be compared with a general ledger of political actions. Election '24 needs an accountant!
Anarcho-Tyranny in Aurora
As Venezuelan gang members harass and pillage tenants in one Colorado city, the local authorities blame landlords. Anarcho-tyranny has come to Colorado.
False Narratives Driving America’s Immigration Policies
Before any serious work can be done to correct America’s border policy failures, we must dispel the false narratives about immigration that too many Americans still accept as fact.
California’s September Surprise
Politiqueros Pelosi and Newsom ramp up bribes for America’s imported electorate.
Debunking the ‘Plunging Border Crossings’ Narrative
The supposed miraculous deathbed conversion of the Biden administration on illegal immigration at the border is just more of the same shell game.
Sanctuary Cities’ Death Rattle Grows Louder
Americans need to demand more of their representatives and stop accepting the calamitous status quo regarding sanctuary and immigration policy.
White House Sets Border Fire, Sues States for Trying to Put it Out
The current, temporary custodians of the executive branch are akin to landlords who took over a safe, secure apartment building and have let it become dangerous and crime infested.
Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the U.S. to Rapes and Wanton Violence
Dangerous anti-female attitudes are invading our country because of open borders.
Joe Biden’s Executive Amnesty Is Illegal, Unjust and Self-Defeating
Biden’s amnesty is blatantly, flagrantly and offensively unconstitutional. Only Congress, not the president, can “establish a uniform rule of naturalization.”
Tyson Foods’ Shameful Juneteenth Replacement Celebration
The Arkansas chicken giant has fostered a DEI climate that, in addition to encouraging the replacement of American workers, now even encourages the replacement of our most important national holiday.
The Sudden Push for Border Security is Smoke and Mirrors
The media’s portrayal of California Governor Gavin Newsom as fighting bedlam at the border is a tough sell, given that he has done everything in his power to attract illegal aliens to his once-idyllic state.
What Europeans and Americans Really Want
Authoritarians who have managed to entrench their control over the United States and countries in Europe need to be defeated once and for all.
How Mass Illegal Migration is Killing Young People’s Home Ownership Dreams
Parents wondering why Junior can’t move out of the basement should look to the waves of illegal aliens being imported here by our “inclusive,” “compassionate,” and anti-borders politicians.
Mass Illegal Migration Makes Us Sicker, Not Stronger
The Biden administration’s chaotic, illegal approach to immigration prioritizes importation of people with questionable health records over the well-being of U.S. citizens.
Every State Is a Border State Now
The death of Jacques Price serves as a reminder of just how thoroughly our institutions have been turned against Americans at every level.
Kayfabe U.S.A.
Donald Trump continues an American political tradition that appears tough and adversarial, but is strictly theatrical. Wrestlers call it "kayfabe."
Stop Importing Ungrateful, Spoiled Criminals
If one valid criticism of American society is that our high standard of living had made our population lazy, entitled, and unappreciative, then why are we importing so many new people with the same qualities?
Key Bridge Collapse Now an Illegal Immigration Political Football
The effort to make the illegal immigrant workers who died in the Key Bridge collapse into the moral equivalent of emergency responders rushing into the World Trade Center on 9/11 is little more than a cheap appeal to manipulate the public’s emotions.
The Death of Laken Riley: A Case of Res Ipsa Loquitur
Laken Riley’s death was the product of deliberate policy choices that delivered predictable results with the precision of a Swiss watch.
Border Insecurity is Election Interference
In what amounts to election interference and dilution of the franchise for citizens, sanctuary communities are allowing and even encouraging participation of noncitizens in their local and municipal elections. Citizens need to speak out now before it’s too late.
If America is to Survive, the Sanctuary Delusion Must Go
The current immigration crisis has been called an invasion by many, but it is the result of a deluded sense of obligation to the rest of the world at the expense of our own families and communities.
Border Disintegration Brings Low-Trust, Low-Quality Society
Cases like the one involving Laken Riley cause us gradually to acquiesce to a new, less safe America where social trust is becoming a thing of the past.
Migrant Surge Brings Killers and Criminal Gangs
Not everyone violating the border is a hardened criminal, but President Joe Biden's open borders are allowing the worst to get in.
The Gorgeous New Movie ‘Cabrini’ Will Break Your Heart
To watch the film is to look at what once existed through eyes jaundiced by the bitter tears shed in noting what we face in our country and in the Church of today.
Welcoming Migrants Creates War-Rationing Scenario
The sacrifices Americans make today do not serve any greater good, such as winning a war, preserving our way of life, or giving their children a chance at a better future. Instead, our government is making us sacrifice to meet the needs of foreign nationals here illegally.
Democrats’ Big Gamble on the Border Crashers Will Pay Political Dividends
Even if the Democrats fail to bestow the franchise on illegals immediately, their beneficiaries do offer enormous near-term and long-term uses for the party.
The New Gold Rush—The American Border
What U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents really think about what's happening at our southern border.
Yes, America Is Being Invaded
Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies. The invasion is deliberate.
Our Government is an Unfaithful Spouse
We need a nation of citizen-activists who demand more from their government. The first demand should be simple: prioritize the needs of the citizens already here over those whom the government is recklessly pressing to get into the country.
The Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing Americans
America cannot afford another four years of an open-borders Democrat administration.
Give Us Educated, Skilled Immigrants Yearning to Support Themselves
Biden is welcoming destitute migrants, instead of newcomers who are educated, have job skills to succeed in today's economy, speak English and arrive ready to provide for their families.
Sanctuary Delusion Crumbles in Chicago
The experiment of sanctuary cities has gone on far too long and in Chicago, citizens are finally speaking up.
Biden’s Shameless Hypocrisy on Migrant Family Separations
Team Biden is going to great lengths to conceal data on the high and growing number of family separations occurring at America’s southern border, which have resulted from their bad policy and are happening on their watch.
Vivek Ramaswamy and the Propositional Nation
The latest Republican to announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election offers a vision of the American identity as a set of ideals rather than a shared historical experience.
Social Conservatism Isn’t Enough. Culture Matters, Too.
No one’s coming to save us—certainly not illegal immigrants. It’s up to Americans to right the ship.
Is ‘Our Democracy’ Failing Our Country?
Millions of Americans are coming to see our incumbent regime, "our democracy," as failing in its foremost duty—to protect and defend our country from enemies foreign and domestic.