Quo Vadis, Mother Russia?

Quo Vadis, Mother Russia?

The advance of U.S.-led NATO is shrinking the buffer of neutral territories that were once Russian lands. But if the West continues to isolate Russia, there is only one direction it can go: to the East, and China.

Remembering Robert A. Taft

Remembering Robert A. Taft

In a dynamic time of U.S. history, Robert A. Taft was a deeply principled politician, courageously speaking out against FDR's New Deal, U.S. involvement in WWII, the Nuremberg Trials, and the formation of NATO.

Western Hypocrisy Created Putin

Western Hypocrisy Created Putin

Vladimir Putin is easy to blame but the truth is that the Russian leader is a symptom of the rot in the leadership of the Western world. The liberal interventionists in charge of Western foreign policy are the real threat to world peace.

A Ukrainian Tragedy

A Ukrainian Tragedy

Having designated a traditionalist, conservative, overwhelmingly Christian Orthodox Russia as the enemy, the rulers of an Orwellian "Great Reset" West will be free to cancel conservatives of all stripes even more radically than before.

Disillusioned by Vlad

Disillusioned by Vlad

Putin’s war on "woke" had me cheering, especially when he urged nationalists, conservatives, and traditionalists to unite and reject multiculturalism. But as his army shells Ukraine, it is hard to blame anyone but him for the situation there.