Author: Tom Piatak (Tom Piatak)

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A War on Syria Is a War on Christians

  Ten years ago, Chronicles was one of the few American publications pointing out that the American invasion of Iraq would be a disaster for Iraqi Christians.  And so it proved to be.  Since our invasion of Iraq, half of Iraqi Christians have fled, and those who remained have been targets of murder, extortion, and kidnapping by Islamists, who...


Mass Immigration Bad for America Bad for the Church

This Labor Day, elite opinion is pushing a piece of legislation that poses a clear threat to the interests of working Americans, the immigration bill supported by President Obama and passed by the Senate. By massively increasing legal immigration and regularizing illegal immigration, this bill promises to further depress wages and to throw more Americans...


Meandering and Craven

Last Friday, Commonweal published an essay by former First Things editor Jody Bottum entitled “The Things We Share: A Catholic’s Case for Same-Sex Marriage.” The reaction of National Review’s Michael Potemra was to pronounce Bottum’s piece “fascinating and brave.” A less apt description is hard to imagine. Bottum’s essay is so meandering that it is...


Death in Oklahoma

Earlier this week, Chris Lane, an Australian baseball player, was brutally killed in Duncan, Oklahoma. Police have charged James Edwards and Chancey Luna with first degree murder for killing Lane. Lane was white; Edwards and Luna are black, though an accomplice, Michael Jones, charged with being an accessory after the fact, is white. Australian papers...


The Worst Republican Nominee Ever

John McCain is back in the news.  The media is exulting that “The Straight Talk Express Is Back” because McCain has taken to denouncing members of his own party as “wacko birds” and to carrying water for Obama in the Senate.  As bad as Obama has been, America is probably fortunate that McCain never made it to the White...


The Culture War Crosses the Atlantic

The course of 2013 in France, Ireland, and Britain provides important lessons for those resisting the left’s attempt to remove Christian influence from public life in America. On April 23, the Socialist government of François Hollande succeeded in making France the 14th country to legalize gay marriage, something he had promised to do during his...


A Small Miracle

It’s as if The Nation admitted Alger Hiss’s guilt, The New Republic discovered the virtues of evangelical Christianity, or National Review concluded that Barack Obama has been an outstanding president.  Yesterday, Consumer Reports gave the top ranking of any sedan to the 2014 Chevrolet Impala, the first American sedan the magazine has rated best in 20 years.  The disdain of Consumer Reports for American cars is...


They Don’t Like Hot Dogs And They Don’t Like Us

  Much of the discussion over the immigration bill that just passed the Senate focuses on how it will deal with illegal immigration.  But much of the financial backing for the bill comes from Silicon Valley, which wants to vastly increase legal immigration, particularly the H1B visa program, which allows American employers to import technical...


Your Tax Dollars At Work

Last week, Fr. Francois Mourad, a Syrian Catholic priest, was brutally murdered by Islamist rebels in Syria.  There is some uncertainty as to whether Fr. Mourad was beheaded or shot, although it seems more likely that he was shot.  What there is no doubt about is that his killers are part of the armed rebellion trying to topple the...


The Senate Turns Its Back On Working America

Today, the Senate passed an immigration bill that promises amnesty to illegal immigrants and a massive increase in legal immigration.  If this bill becomes law, one of its predictable effects will be to drive down the wages of Americans, particularly working class Americans.  Indeed, many millions of Americans are either unemployed or underemployed.  This week, the Cleveland Plain...


Immigration Bait and Switch

Tonight media reports are hyping a deal to add a border fence to the Amnesty Bill currently being considered in the Senate.   Only the gullible will believe that such a fence will ever be built.   After all, Congress authorized building a 700 mile border fence in 2006, but only 36 or so miles of the type of fence...


Electing a New People

A bill that the media is touting as providing “comprehensive immigration reform” is currently making its way through the Senate.  In essence, the bill will provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and vastly expand legal immigration, while doing nothing to prevent future illegal immigration.  In fact, we know from past immigration amnesties that they...


Another White House Globalist

Whenever it is polically expedient, Barack Obama criticizes free trade.  He did it in 2008, when he told Ohio primary voters that he would renegotiate NAFTA.  He did it in 2012, when his campaign saturated the industrial Midwest with ads criticizing Mitt Romney for outsourcing jobs to China at Bain Capital.  But these noises are...


Vive la France

Last weekend, Paris saw the third march of roughly one million people against gay marriage.  Those in attendance heard an amazing speech from Ludovine de la Rochere, the president of the organization that has been sponsoring the marches.  In it, de la Rochere echoed de Gaulle’s famous words from June 18, 1940:  “The law is today in effect: so isn’t the last word...


The War on Christmas Comes to Spain

Every Christmas, we are instructed that there is no War on Christmas.  But the hostility to Christianity and Western culture that motivates the War on Christmas is in fact widespread.  The latest reminder came in an online piece this week in La Stampa, describing how the education minister in the Spanish province of Asturias had ordered schools there to...


Google Gets One Right

Google often gets grief over the events and people it chooses to honor.  Much of this criticism is justified.  But sometimes Google gets one right, as it did today, when it honored Ella Fitzgerald.  Here is Ella Fitzgerald’s version of Cole Porter’s Begin the Beguine, recorded in 1956.  Popular music does not get any better than this–the finest vocal...


Butchery in Philadelphia

  Several commenters have decried the lack of media coverage of the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia.  Gosnell is charged with the deaths of one pregnant woman and seven children who were born after botched abortions; those children were killed by having their spinal cords severed.  Witnesses have testified that many more babies were also...


A Misnamed Magazine

  The American Conservative has had dozens of articles and posts on gay marriage.  The general tenor has ranged from arguing that gay marriage is inevitable to criticizing opponents of gay marriage to arguing that support for gay marriage is the conservative position.  What has largely been absent is any opposition to gay marriage. There is, of course, nothing conservative about support...


The Quiet of Easter

In recent decades, the public profile of Easter in the United States has diminished.  Americans now spend more on Halloween than on Easter, and the public attention Easter receives is largely negative.  Google observed Easter Sunday by celebrating Cesar Chavez’s birthday, and public references to Easter are often excised, just as “Christmas” is often replaced...


Pope Benedict XVI: A Brief Reflection

I have not had the time or the inclination to wade through the commentary on Pope Benedict’s unexpected resignation, but I assume that much of it is angry, vituperative, and dismissive, because such commentary is one of the hallmarks of our degraded age.  I wanted instead to offer a brief note of gratitude for Benedict’s service as...


A Band of Brothers No More

Yesterday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the Pentagon was largely eliminating restrictions on women serving in combat units.  This is perfectly consistent with the egalitarian ideology to which the Obama Administration is committed.   However, it ignores the reasons why Western armies have never included women in combat units, apart from a few exceptional circumstances. ...


The Flexible Second Term

The presidential election of 2012 was no ordinary contest.  The University of Colorado’s political-science department had developed a model, based on the state of the U.S. economy, that had accurately predicted the outcome of every presidential election between 1980 and 2008.  This year, the model predicted a Romney victory.  The explanation for Obama’s victory lies...


A Christmas Miscellany

  Peter Brimelow has written a discussion of the War on Christmas for that is well worth reading.  In it, Peter puts me in the unusual role of optimist.  There are still many people in this country who want to suppress the public celebration of  Christmas, and the situation in the schools, where culture is formed...


Robert Bork, RIP

  Today brings the sad news that Robert Bork has passed away.  The sadder news for America, though, came in 1987, when the Senate unjustly rejected his nomination to the Supreme Court.  There is no doubt that, had Bork been confirmed, Roe v Wade would have been overturned in 1992 when the Supreme Court decided Planned Parenthood v...


The War on Christmas

  One of the signature features of Western politics in the last few decades is the rise of the cultural Marxism known as “political correctness.”  As advocated by the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, leftists have worked their way through the institutions of the West, leaving a trail of cultural devastation in their wake.  A hallmark...


The Power of Christmas

The power of Christmas (and Christianity) shows through even in unexpected places, such as Saturday Night Live.  When the producers of the show, in the wake of the horrific school shooting in Connecticut, were looking for something with beauty and emotional depth, they chose a song about the true meaning of Christmas, not a secular Christmas song or...


A Daughter of Mary and Target for Herod

  Last night, my wife and I attended the vigil Mass for the Immaculate Conception at our parish.  We sat immediately behind a family I had often seen but never sat by before, a woman in her forties with Down syndrome and her father.  I could not help being moved by what I saw.  During Mass,...

Romney’s Retreat

Romney’s Retreat

The October 1 issue  of the New York Times carried an important piece by Michael Shear and Ashley Parker stating that the Romney camp was going to stop running a campaign focused solely on the economy: Instead, Romney intends to hit the White House with a series of arguments—on energy, health care, taxes, spending and...


No Halos, Please, We’re Eurocrats

Slovakia’s plan to issue a two Euro coin commemorating the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Great Moravia, of which Slovakia was a part, has run afoul of Christophobic Eurocrats.  It seems that the Slovaks want to show the Apostles to the Slavs with halos, and wearing pectoral crosses.  The Eurocrats say no,...


Too Old, Too White, Too Male

  After the election, Al Cardnenas, head of the American Conservative Union, complained that the Republican Party was “too old and too white and too male.”  One wonders what Mr. Cardnenas would say about the Continental Congress or the Constitutional Convention.  Of course, if Mr. Cardenas is upset at the thought of living in a country founded...


Why Romney Lost Ohio

  Four years ago I wrote, “if Republicans want the joke to be on them, they can listen to  [Rich]Lowry [of National Review], line up to  damn the American auto industry, and look forward to losing the Great Lakes  states year after year after year.”  Tonight, I am sure that Mitt Romney regrets writing the op-ed piece the New York...


The Democrats’ Bait and Switch

Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland told the Democratic convention that Barack Obama was an “economic patriot” and blasted Mitt Romney for being an “outsourcing pioneer.”  That is certainly the theme of the Obama campaign in the industrial Midwest.  Any television left on in Ohio for more than 15 minutes is likely to broadcast an attack...


Diversity Threatened in the NBA

The Minnesota Timberwolves will be fielding a team this year that is only one third black.  That means that the Timberwolves will have a much higher percentage of blacks than the general population, though a far lower percentage of blacks than any other team in the NBA.  And this prospect is quite upsetting to Ron...


How Does A Traditionalist Vote?

  Recently, Dan McCarthy of the American Conservative had a piece asking, “How Does A Traditionalist Vote?”  I would submit that an answer to that question can be gleaned by viewing this ad for Barack Obama, brought to my attention by one of America’s leading traditionalist thinkers, Chris Kopff.  In it, a tattoed college age woman implicitly compares voting for Barack...


An Island of Saints

  Today, Pope Benedict XVI canonized Mother Marianne Cope, the second canonized saint who worked at the leper settlement on the island of Molokai.  Cope, who was born in Germany and grew up in New York, answered a call from the King of Hawaii to work with the sick in Hawaii and ended up succeeding the heroic Father Damien in Molokai.  Shortly after...


Free Trade Still Doesn’t Work

This morning the Cleveland Plain Dealer ran an important opinion piece by Alan Tonelson of the redoubtable United States Business and Industry Council on manufacturing and the presidential election.  (The piece appeared earlier in other Ohio papers).  In his piece, Tonelson highlights the importance of Ohio in the election and the importance of manufacturing to Ohio.  Tonelson also explains why neither President Obama’s policies nor Romney’s are likely to...


America’s Secular Party

Yesterday’s Washington Post reported that, according to a recent Pew Center study, 19.6% of Americans now describe themselves as having no religious affiliation.   They are the new foot soldiers of the Democratic Party:  68% of those with no religious affilation lean Democrat, a number that increases to 73% among self-described atheists and agnostics.  According to the Post, the religiously...


What’s Missing From This Picture?

  Yesterday’s New York Times carried a piece by Michael Shear and Ashley Parker stating that the Romney campaign was going to stop running a campaign focused solely on the economy:  “Instead, Romney intends to hit the White House with a series of arguments–on energy, health care, taxes, spending and a more direct attack on Obama’s foreign policy...


It’s Ryan

Mitt Romney is not known as a gambler, but he took a gamble when he selected Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be his running mate.  Congressmen lack the high profile of senators, governors, and generals, all reputed to be on Romney’s short list for vice president.  Indeed, no congressman has been elected vice president since...


Andy Williams, RIP

  Today brings news of the death of Andy Williams at the age of 84.  I suspect most of those saddened by this news are near Williams’ own age, but I liked Williams’ singing and more generally have always enjoyed the American popular music that preceded and for a while coexisted with what became rock music. ...


Murderous Ingratitude

Yesterday brought the shocking news of the murder of the US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, by a Moslem mob in Benghazi, Libya.  The site of the murder is significant:  Benghazi was the stronghold of the rebellion against Moammar Khadafy, a rebellion that succeeded only because of help from the United States.  Stevens’ murder brought...


The Forgotten

  Yesterday the AP had a very interesting story on newly declassified documents that support the view that FDR and Churchill knew that the Soviets were responsible for the massacre of over 20,000 Polish prisoners of war at the same time they were publicly following Stalin’s lead and blaming the massacre on the Nazis.  Later on, of...


Globalization Hurts the Middle Class

Derek Thompson of The Atlantic has an interesting post arguing that globalization is the single most important factor in the decline of the American middle class.  Among other facts, Thompson notes that 97% of the jobs being created in America are in sectors of the economy not subject to foreign competition.    It’s good that at least some in the...


Yes, Virginia, Paul Ryan Is Catholic

  Venues in which a person’s fidelity to Catholic teaching is generally viewed as a negative are suddenly voicing concern about Paul Ryan’s adherence to Catholic social teaching.  It’s not, of course, that Daily Kos or the Daily Beast have suddenly embraced Catholicism.  It’s that they’re worried that Ryan might help Romney win Catholic votes and the election, thus depriving Barack Obama of the...


Pay Up Or Else

  Today’s Cleveland Plain Dealer has an article analyzing a revealing ad the Obama campaign is running here in Ohio.  In it, two women talk about Mitt Romney’s opposition to the HHS contraception/abortifacient mandate.  One of the women tells the other, “It’s about a woman being able to make decisions.”  The ad then informs the viewer that Romney...


It’s Ryan

  This morning, Mitt Romney chose the backdrop of the USS Wisconsin, one of four members of the mighty Iowa class and a magnificent symbol of American power, to introduce Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate.  If Ryan becomes vice president, he will be the first member of the House of Representatives elected vice president...


Wages Now Lower Than in 1968

This month the Census Bureau reported that the inflation adjusted median income for male workers was $32,127 in 2010, less than the $32,844 such workers earned in 1968.  There are, of course, many reasons for this prolonged wage stagnation, but chief among them are mass immigration, which began with the Immigration Act of 1965, and free trade, which...


Farewell to Mayberry

  Yesterday brought the news of Andy Griffith’s death at 86.  Unfortunately, the type of television exemplified by The Andy Griffiith Show died long before its star did.  Long gone are the days when the networks aired prime time series that parents could safely allow their children to watch, much less a prime time in which such...


Quick Thoughts on the Supreme Court

  Putting together the Court’s two most notable recent decisions, the Arizona immigration decision and the Obamacare decision, leads to this unsettling conclusion:  there is virtually nothing the states can do on their own, and there is virtually nothing the federal government cannot do.  If that is what the Founders intended, I’m a unicorn. We also now have...